
Reading Program for Kindergarteners

HomeReading Program for Kindergarteners

Reading Program for Kindergarteners

Kindergarteners are ready and excited to learn, which makes them ideal candidates for innovative and immersive reading programs like those offered by Stepping Stones Together. Bolstering your child’s reading skills from the start helps to build confidence and to set the stage for rewarding learning experiences throughout your child’s ongoing education. 

Our Reading Programs Are Inviting, Innovative, and Interactive

Reading is an adventure that can transform your child’s learning experience and should never be a chore. Our reading programs are designed to connect with young readers and to immerse them in the enriching experience that reading allows. Learning to read doesn’t come down to a TO DO list of tasks that must be accomplished but is, instead, a source of wonder from the outset – whether your child is actually reading the words on the page or is simply experiencing them. Reading should be fun – not frustrating – regardless of where your child is in the process, and our reading programs are predicated on this holistic philosophy. 

How It Works

Stepping Stones Together takes a five-pronged approach to guiding young readers on an exciting and rewarding reading journey that intertwines the following objectives:

  • We start with an individualized homepage that offers wide-ranging options, while reflecting your child’s interests and learning level. 
  • You and your kindergartner will together choose a story that suits your child’s interests and mood in the moment and will together take a picture walk through that story.
  • As you travel through the story together, you’ll encourage your little one to engage further by touching each of the words along the way. This allows your pre-reader to physically connect with the words on the page and to the reading experience. 
  • Our reading programs provide an interactive approach, which allows you the opportunity to help your child merge imagination and learning.
  • Finally, your home page offers an Additional Practice Tab where you can reinforce your child’s daily learning journey with games and activities.   

By heading out on a daily reading adventure with your early reader, you help open a world of learning that will serve your child well throughout his or her life. Learning to read shouldn’t be a static process, and Stepping Stones Together moves well beyond this outdated method by dovetailing the building blocks of reading with your child’s unique interests and learning style in a customizable approach.

Stepping Stones Together Is a Great Place for Kindergarteners to Start

Schooling was topsy-turvy throughout 2020 – with a jumble of online learning, abbreviated schedules, and hybrid classroom approaches – and many parents have concerns about the effects this has had on learning. If your child is a kindergartener, you naturally want to provide him or her with the best educational beginning you can, and with Stepping Stones Together in your corner, you can move forward with confidence. We’ll help you tackle any early reading concerns you have head on, and because we offer a free 7-day trial, there is no risk to you. 

Options Available

Three different membership programs are available. Click below to learn more.

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Child Is Ready

Is Your Child is Ready For Stepping Stones Together
