

The Stepping Stones Together reading program uses an easy to follow
approach, which you and your child can complete in just 15 – 20 minutes a
day. Consistency and repetition will provide for beginning reading success.
You and your child will take the 6-step journey:
  1. You and your child will select one of the pre-selected stories at your child’s appropriate level from your personal homepage.
  2. You will read the title of the story to your child, asking them to make a prediction about the story and what they might know about a particular topic. (Day 1 and 2)
  3. You and your child take a “picture walk” through the book, looking at the pictures and making predictions about story events/details.
  4. Your child independently reads the story. (Day 1 and 2). Have your child place their finger on each word as they read the story.
  5. You ask your child to write and/or draw a response to the pre-populated writing prompt, further extending their understanding, recall and use of high-frequency words.
  6. Choose one of the fun games provided on your child’s homepage under “Additional Practice” to make another experiential connection with new vocabulary.

Teach Your Child To Read

Do you want to help your child with beginning reading but don’t know where to start? We can help you teach your child beginning literacy skills investing just 15-20 minutes a day.

What is unique about Stepping Stones Together?

We provide a personalized, easy-to-use program of 5 daily strategies and 1 fun game for beginning reading success that your child will love!

You will gain immediate access to over 90 personalized and motivational, printable and online beginning readers.

Our program focuses
on children being successful with
beginning literacy.

Stepping Stones Together is based on research that parental involvement is the greatest indicator of beginning reading and academic success.

What Our Parents, Educators and Health Professionals Say:

Free Trial Membership

One-Week Free Membership:

    • – Access to the reading program
    • – Reading comprehension questions to help your child connect their experiences to the reading process