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The Stepping Stones Together Program

Stepping Stones Together is a personalized beginning reading program consisting of:

A choice of 90 high interest themed stories from our beginning reading library, which is comprised of 3 difficulty levels.

A personalized certificate acknowledging their achievement after completing a leveled series. Each reading series is comprised of your choice of books.

A daily writing program linked to your child’s daily reading to extend your child’s reading and writing abilities.

Extension games that encourage your child to use their newly-acquired reading skills as well as explore the benefits and joys connected with being a reader.

Choice in book selection to motivate your new reader. It is recommended that you choose a minimum of 5 stories at a given reading level and read each twice before moving onto a new series.

A personalized behavior incentive chart for each series of stories to motivate your child to record their daily progress.

Over 100 reading comprehension questions designed to build your child’s reading comprehension skills, along with thinking, reading fluency, speaking and writing abilities. (early reading benefits)

Access to Blogs and Newsletters to provide you with current reading research tidbits and best practice tips to parents of new readers.

The Creator of
Online Beginning Reading Program

Dr. Erika Burton

Dr. Burton developed the beginning online reading program while teaching her child to read the summer after completing Kindergarten. As a parent, Dr. Burton could see that her child needed help mastering beginning reading comprehension skills and there was no online reading program with fun subjects and themes, like fairies, that would excite her child. She developed Stepping Stones Together to give parents the skills to help their child become excited about reading.

Dr. Burton is also dedicated to supporting teachers. She is an adjunct professor at National Louis University focusing on courses in educational research. Burton is dedicated to closing the educational achievement gap. She works with teachers to develop reading strategies, to help all children achieve academic gains. Burton was awarded a grant in 2007 by National Louis University to research teachers’ use of action research to better serve their students.
