
Using the Reading Program

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How to Use the Reading Program

The Stepping Stones Together reading program uses an easy to follow approach, which you and your child can complete in just 15 – 20 minutes a day. Consistency and repetition are key to beginning reading success and making the program simple to use helps ensure that parents and children can stick to it. The summary below explains just how easy it is to get started with our program.

Create your child’s customized reading improvement program today by signing up online.

Step 1: Select a Story

You and your child will select one of the pre-selected stories at your child’s appropriate level from your personal homepage (this happens every two days as your child should read the same book twice before moving onto the next story). Research suggests it is important for children to have ownership of story selection.

Step 2: Consider the Title

You will read the title of the story to your child, asking them to make a prediction about the story and what they might know about a particular topic. (Day 1 and 2)

Step 3: Take in the Pictures and Text

First, you and your child take a “picture walk” through the book, looking at the pictures and making predictions about story events and details. (Day 1) 

Then, you and your child read together, or you read the first time, through a simple 8-sentence story with explicitly obvious text illustration correspondence. (Day 1)

Step 4: Let Your Child Take the Lead

Your child independently reads the story. (Day 1 and 2)

  • Have your child place their finger on each word as they read the story.
  • If your child is struggling with a word, ask them to tell you the beginning letter sound of that word. Assist them if necessary with the beginning letter sound. For example, “the first letter in doll makes the /d/ sound.”
  • Have them use the illustrations for clues with a difficult word.
  • Next, you ask your child the pre-populated reading questions on the back cover, extending their understanding of the text.

Step 5: Check for Understanding and Reward your Reader

Ask your beginning reader to write and/or draw a response to the pre-populated writing prompt, further extending their understanding, recall and use of high-frequency words, as well as enabling them to practice their critical thinking skills. (Day 1 and 2)

Now you can reward your child’s efforts by asking them to color, cross out or put a sticker on their daily incentive chart indicating they completed a particular story.

Step 6: Play Fun Games!

Choose one of the fun games provided on your child’s homepage under “Additional Practice” to make another experiential connection with new vocabulary.

An Easy, Fun Method to Teach Reading Skills

The Stepping Stones Together reading program was designed to be easy for all families to use, giving access to critical early learning skills that parents can teach their children at home and at their own pace. It is our goal to help close the achievement gap by making high-quality educational resources available at a reasonable price.

If you need additional assistance getting started with our program, .

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