
Category Archives: Beginning Reader Program

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Importance of Parental Involvement in Early Literacy

When teaching a child to read, nothing replaces the unconditional support provided by a parent. Even though most kids begin learning to read in kindergarten, they develop many critical literacy…


How to Motivate Your Child During Their Reading Journey

Teaching your child to read when they are hesitant or unmotivated can be a challenge you’re unprepared for. A reluctant or struggling reader may have difficulty focusing on the task…


The Benefits of Teaching Early Reading Skills at Home

Storytime is a favorite ritual for many families with young children. Selecting books to read before bedtime and watching as your child follows along is both heart-warming and can also…


Teaching Your Child Their ABCs

Every child starts their journey to becoming a skilled reader by learning the fundamentals of the English language - their ABCs. Before signing up for a Stepping Stones Together reading…



