
Early childhood games foster critical thinking skills

HomeBlogBlogEarly childhood games foster critical thinking skills

The power of early learning games

Kids and parents alike spend time playing games both online and off. The educational industry has begun to develop some wonderful games to promote critical thinking skills, a necessary skill to becoming a strong reader and ultimately life- long learner.

Recipe for learning success

Children are easily captivated by colors, noises and animation. However, when applied to meaningful engagement you create the perfect recipe for engaged learning.

Go Go Kabongo

One such new educational website offering free and membership access products called Go Go Kabongo.

  • Go Go Kabongo offers pre-school age children the unique opportunity to create a unique Avatar character
  • Pre-school age children engage their Avatar in decision making tasks designed to help children recognize patterns. This is a necessary pre-reading skill.
  • Children move through each learning games when they master pattern recognition for each game.
  • Children have fun while learning!
  • Parents get weekly feedback reports of their child’s mastery of skill development.

Stepping Stones Together members right now you can let your child explore GoGo Kabongo’s fantastical world of online pre-reading games for kids FREE.

Just use coupon code STEPPING and sign up today.

Want more Kabongo? Join them on FB and Twitter.

Please share what you think of Kabongo with us today.


