
Top 5 back to school routines: 2011 secrets to school success!

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The long days of summer have been replaced by the cool morning winds of Fall way before the official end of summer! Most children have begun their school year routine whether it be Pre-school, elementary, Junior high or beyond! It is never easy to establish new routines but you save countless hours of frustration by sticking to one your family can establish.

1. Make a schedule for: daily lunches, clothing choices, activities which your children can review each day either in their rooms or in a common area such as your kitchen or mud room. If you have younger kids replace words with pictures. For more tips on beginning learning check out our blog.

This is also a great way to incorporate early literacy skills into your daily routine!

2. Get to bed early!- I am guilty of burning the midnight oil too, but starting the school year out by getting your kids and yourself into bed early will help you keep healthy and alert especially at the beginning of flu season!

3. Have children do their homework when they get home from school if possible. – Schedules rule our lives but establishing a routine for homework is the best way to help children complete homework diligently daily. They do crave routine even with the hemming and hawing!

4. Read daily– Everyone should be reading daily. Have a drop everything and read time in your schedule for the entire family. Even young children can pretend to read during this time with pride. Daily reading practice is the number one predictor of academic success and lifelong commitment to learning.

5. Eat dinner together whenever possible. – Asking my children their favorite part of their day around the dinner table is my favorite 5 minutes of the day. I secretly think they feel the same way :).

Is routine your secret to success with getting the school year off to a great start? I’d love to hear your routines. Sharing is caring. Please let us know what you do to get the school year off to a great start.


