
Tips to avoid summer learning loss

HomeBlogBlogTips to avoid summer learning loss

The dog days of summer are finally here! It is even starting to feel a lot like summer outside. I just recently washed and put the winter jackets away. It won’t get below 50 during the summer in Chicago right? Once again, I know I’m heading to Target soon to buy that ever so popular grass killer my kids love and husband throws away every season the Slip & Slide. I must admit I love to dive into that cool water on a 90-degree humid day with my kids.

We are approaching July 4th! We all feel summer pass by too quickly! Camp monopolizes the weekdays and family vacations, outings, and water takes over our weekends. I am living this reality and sometimes feel like schedules are more crammed now than during the school year.

Making time for reading is a challenge but is worth the effort. Summer learning loss is a reality. 40% of literacy skills can be lost over the summer months but parents have the power to prevent it.

Here are my top 10 ways to avoid summer learning loss. You won’t regret your efforts.

1. Establish a daily reading routine with your child.

  • Fill out this interest inventory and go to the library.
  • Ask the librarian for help selecting books for you to read to your child.
  • Put it on the schedule if necessary to ensure daily time to read.
  • Read to your child in bed.
  • Read to your child during breakfast.
  • Read to your child during dinner.
  • Read to your child at the park.
  • Read to your child in a favorite summer spot outside.

2. Have your child read to you or with you daily.

3. Set a 60 day goal. There are approximately 60 days left before school begins.

  • Intrinsic -How many minutes can you commit to as a family to read in the next 60 days?
  • Extrinsic- Determine a family reward for meeting your goal.

4. Join a library book club.

  • It is never too late to join the 8 week book club available at most public libraries.

5. Determine something your family wants to learn more about and read about it.

  • Every family has different interests.
  • Learn a new style of cooking.
  • Learn about another culture.
  • Research a family vacation.

6. Read daily

7.  Read daily

8.  Read daily

9.  Read daily

10.  Read daily- Practice makes you a stronger reader.

What do you do to infuse your family’s summer with reading?


