
Benefits of Supplemental Reading Programs

HomeBlogBeginning Reader ProgramBenefits of Supplemental Reading Programs

For those parents who are looking to help their children become strong readers, a supplemental reading program might just be the answer. Many parents and teachers have found that children who struggle to learn how to read see huge benefits from a supplemental reading program. For those who are moving at a bit of a slower pace when it comes to learning how to read, a supplemental reading program might be the answer. For children who start off as strong readers, a supplemental reading program can help to enforce those reading habits and love of literature for years to come. 

The following are some of the different ways that a supplemental reading program can help those who are beginning to learn how to read.

  • Reinforce the core curriculum of a classroom. Some students follow along in the classroom, and others might need a bit of extra support to keep up in some subjects. Supplemental materials can help to enhance the lessons that a teacher is taking their class through. Every child moves at a different pace, so it is both very common and incredibly helpful for parents to work outside of the classroom with their children to help support the core curriculum that they are learning. Turning an activity that might generate frustration and confusion in the classroom into a fun and exciting game at home often produces quick results with children who are learning how to read. Sometimes this extra attention can make all of the difference. 
  • Using technology to support supplemental reading materials. Children, like adults, have many different ways of processing information. Some children learn by reading, and others learn by doing, touching, watching, or hearing. For this reason, supplemental materials can have a huge impact on a child who is more likely to learn a new skill by actively using their mind in a different way. By using technology, such as computer programs, as supplemental support for literacy, many children might find that something they previously were confused by suddenly makes sense. 
  • Create a sense of excitement and engagement with beginning readers. As most parents know, children typically do not have a long attention span. This is one of the reasons that our Stepping Stones Together beginning reader program asks parents to schedule for 15 to 20 minutes a day to focus on reading with their children. The goal is to keep children engaged and having fun. This is one of the most compelling reasons to actively use a supplemental reading program. The more variety and fun you can bring into the process of learning how to read, the more likely your child is to remain engaged, and therefore, become a successful early reader. 

What are some of the benefits that you and your child have discovered from using supplemental reading programs? Is there anything that you think would be helpful to share with the rest of the Stepping Stones Together community? If so, please let us know! You can send us an email at or leave a comment on our Facebook page. Don’t be shy – we’d love to hear from you!


