
Don’t Miss Chicago’s Very Own Live Coverage of Stepping Stones Together!

HomeBlogBlogDon’t Miss Chicago’s Very Own Live Coverage of Stepping Stones Together!

Stepping Stones Together has been working hard to empower parents and caregivers with the resources to help their young children with early literacy skills. A big thanks to all our patrons, company partners, and the wonderful bloggers who have tested our program with children and helped propel the buzz amongst friends online and off about our unique beginning literacy program. We are so grateful to the WGN team and especially Micah Materre for her time and dedication to learning and reporting on Stepping Stones Together for Chicago’s Very Own segment, Friday 9 PM CST, October 29, 2010. The segment will be available online after next Friday, October 29, 2010 at Chicago News At Nine.

A child’s zest for learning and literacy begins when you provide them the experience. Parents are a child’s first teacher. Teach them well.


