
First day of school routines

HomeBlogBlogFirst day of school routines

The school year is in full swing everywhere and kids are getting used to the school routines. A parent can really help their child recall their day through asking them specific questions.

How can you help your child remember the absorbent amount of information they are learning?

1. Ask your child specific questions about their day.

Here are a few I always try with my new Kindergartner and Second grade children

  • “Tell me about one person in your class you met today?”
  • “What did you have for snack time?”
  • “What was one funny thing that happened today?”
  • “What rules do you have in your classroom?”
  • “What did you read in reading/literacy class? What was your favorite part of the story and why?”
  • “What did you learn in math today? What is an example of a question your teacher asked you?”
  • “What friends did you sit with at lunch, play with during recess, and what conversations did you have with them?”

As you continue to ask questions your child will begin to answer more specific independently and the old, “How was your day” will bring a response of more than “GOOD”.

Please share some of the questions that you ask your children when they get home from school and what they share in response.


