
Online Reading Resources Can Help with Virtual Learning

HomeBlogBeginning Reader ProgramOnline Reading Resources Can Help with Virtual Learning

Parents across the United States are having varied experiences for the 2020-21 school year. Some schools are holding in-person classes, some schools are 100 percent virtual, and others are using a hybrid system. Many parents are trying to work from home, keep up the household, all while they are also ensuring their children stay on track with their Zoom lessons and independent learning time. To say these times are stressful for parents is an understatement!

It’s only natural to worry that your child might fall behind their appropriate reading level during this highly unconventional learning experience, and it’s important to remember that there are online resources that can help you. You don’t have to do all of this alone. 

Learn to Read Programs

Each child is different when it comes to reading abilities and learning styles. It is safe to say that with virtual learning, your child is not getting the same type of individualized teaching as they would in a classroom. Teachers are doing their absolute best, but sometimes, there might be a need for extra attention and help to keep your child up to speed. 

Online reading programs work to ensure that your child is learning to read at the pace that is right for them, and they aim to make reading fun for your child. The following are some of the benefits of online reading programs, especially in 2020: 

  • Personalized programs – We know that every child is unique – and we want to celebrate your child’s talents and interests, as well as address their challenges and obstacles. Every program is tailored to each child and includes books on subjects they are most interested in at the appropriate reading level.
  • Making reading fun – When your child has books available with interesting subjects and themes, they become more engaged and ready to learn to read. We don’t want reading to feel like a chore – instead, we want to help develop a passion for reading in your child. This can also help them be more interested in school, more dedicated to their lessons and independent work, and much more.
  • Giving parents a much-needed break – Let’s face it – when your child is engrossed in a book they love, it gives you as parents a chance to focus on your own work and tasks with fewer interruptions. This is invaluable in 2020, as many parents are hanging on by a thread trying to get everything accomplished. 

Having help with your child’s reading progress is always beneficial, and possibly never more so than in 2020. Virtual learning presents many obstacles, though there are tools available to help you and your child get through this challenging time without sacrificing their reading abilities. 

Seek Help from Trusted Online Reading Program

If you think your child is ready to learn to read, you should never hesitate to seek outside help. You don’t need expensive tutors, as Stepping Stones Together provides an effective and fun online reading program for beginning readers. Contact us for more information today!


