
Going Back to School

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Do you have a son or daughter starting Kindergarten this year? Do you get nervous/ anxious for your child the first few days of the school year? Many articles out there share tips on how to prepare your child for the first day of Kindergarten and beyond. What about YOU? Are any of you out there feeling anxious too? Your anxiety can definitely rub off on your child. What are the best ways to cope?

  • Get your feelings out there! – Spend time with your spouse or friend sharing your feelings. This will definitely help! It’s not healthy to keep those feeling bottled up!
  • Exercise– This helps everyone release toxins, anxiety and stress. Take a walk, go for a run, do some yoga!
  • Start a morning routine the week before the big day– Kids thrive off of routine. This will help your child feel confidently in control to know what to expect for a morning routine. This will help you seamlessly be prepared on your child’s first day!
  • Anticipate questions and think about or write down a Q& A for yourself– Your child will have questions/concerns about the first day of school whether they are going into Pre-school or college. You went through these milestones too. Thinking about or writing down potential questions that your child might have and formulating answer to them will put your anxiety at ease as you approach and get through the first days of school.
  • Do you have a great tip for parents to help them through the first days of school? Please share!


